Data Doesn't Equal Outcomes
Data + ??? = Outcomes 🤷🏽♀️ Behavioral Health and Human Services organizations have to demonstrate outcomes. They have to run programs that make people better, and prove it.And so. The mad scramble for data is well underway. But, data is just numbers. And outcomes are just results. And connecting the two is the work.If it has to do with driving better results for clients using a data driven approach, we'll be covering it here, on Data Doesn't Equal Outcomes.
19 episodes
Improving Fidelity of CANS Scoring
Evidence based rating scales are an excellent ways to monitor progress - but what happens when two clinicians are reporting vastly different scores?Dan Warner from the Data Community Roundtable joins to Data Doesn't Equal Outcomes to tal...

Outcome Based Treatment Planning with GRAND Mental Health (Part 2 w GRAND)
Instead of planning services in search of an outcome - GRAND Mental Health is determining the outcome they want, and then doing whatever it takes to get it.It's called Outcome Based Treatment planning.Listen to guests Larry Smit...
Season 2
Episode 8

GRAND Mental Health Reduces ER Visits by 93% (Part 1 with GRAND)
They gave iPads to law enforcement. Then they gave them to clients. An entrepreneurial investment turned into a major success and model CCBHC program when GRAND Mental Health put technology in everyone's hands.Listen...
Season 2
Episode 7

(Part 2) NYS 1115 Waiver Social Care Data Implications
The anticipation of the 1115 Medicaid Waiver in New York State has got us thinking about what the data needs will be around Social Care. In this first of two parts, guests Nikki Kmicinski of the WNY Integrated Care Collaborative &a...
Season 2
Episode 6

(Part 1) NYS 1115 Waiver Social Care Data Implications
The anticipation of the 1115 Medicaid Waiver in New York State has got us thinking about what the data needs will be around Social Care. In this first of two parts, guests Nikki Kmicinski of the WNY Integrated Care Collaborative &...
Season 2
Episode 5

The Logic Model of Things
Logic models are one of those things that are often done, but rarely used. Shannon Wichlacz, PhD, is here to tell us that if you build them well - they will get used more often. This episode dives deep into the logic model as more t...
Season 2
Episode 4

Understanding the Differences between QA and QI in Human Services
For human services agencies Quality Assurance and Quality Improvement are entirely different activities with entirely different objectives. In this episode of Data Doesn't Equal Outcomes, Christa Foschio-Bebak explains how to separate the...
Season 2
Episode 3

Data Coaching in Erie County High Fidelity Wraparound System
In a very impactful episode, guest Christa Foschio-Bebak (Director of Quality Improvement at CCNY) and Catie Gavin (First Deputy Commissioner of Erie County DSS) talk about how Erie County, NY is putting data into action in the High Fidelity Wr...
Season 2
Episode 2

Trauma Informed Care is Empathy With More Data Points!
Season 2 of the "Data Doesn't Equal Outcomes" podcast starts with a bang. Join host Tristan Keelan and his guest - Natalia Rachel - who discusses how thinking about quality of care strategies lead to an improvement in early client retenti...
Season 2
Episode 1

DEI - Inside and Outside the Metrics
Data is critical in Diversity Equity and Inclusion work within an organization - but you can't ethical push on levers in quite the same way as many other metrics for improvement.Guest host Ernesto Mercado Irizarry is joined by Natalia R...
Season 1
Episode 10

Trauma, Resilience, and Equity with a Data Driven Implementation
In this episode of Data Doesn't Equal Outcomes podcast, host Tristan Keelan is joined by Janet Romero and Jeff Sherwood from Step by Step Inc. to discuss how they used quality improvement methodology to implement Trauma Informed practices into ...
Season 1
Episode 9

Change in the Era of COVID and FFPSA
Dr. Patricia Nellius-Guthrie, Executive Vice President and Chief Knowledge and Innovation Officer at the Florida Coalition for Children, joins Heidi Milch and Ann Boughtin from CCNY on the Data Doesn't Equal Outcomes podcast to discuss the inte...
Season 1
Episode 8

QI COVID Pivots and Emergency Room Reductions
Brandie Williams from the Rappahannock Area CSB in Virginia joins the Data Doesn't Equal Outcomes Podcast to discuss the process of pivoting to telehealth, and how the role of quality improvement shifted to what is important "today," during the...
Season 1
Episode 7

"We Always CQI" and Colorectal Cancer Screening at Southside CHS
Director of Quality at Southside CHS joins the Data Doesn't Equal Outcomes podcast to discuss the Federally Qualified Health Center's (FQHC) "We Always" approach to Quality Improvement and how that lead to a project that increased cancer screen...
Season 1
Episode 6

People Skilled and Trauma Informed Analytical Thinkers
Gilbert Eijkelenboom, author of People Skills for Analytical Thinkers and founder of MindSpeaking joins the Data Doesn't Equal Outcomes to discuss the important of the "soft skills" in delivering reports to those less experienced with data.
Season 1
Episode 5

Data Landscape of Social Determinants of Health
There are so many social and environmental factors that contribute to an individual's overall health. Director of Evaluation and Analytics David Monroe, and Data Analyst Mohammad Haque discuss the current availability of SDOH data and how...
Season 1
Episode 4

Utilization Focused Evalution
Any evaluation should be useful, if it's not, it shouldn't have been done.Listen to Brandi Collins from CCNY as she talks about what it takes to make sure evaluation and analytics projects get used. She explains the importance of ...
Season 1
Episode 3

Trauma Informed Data and Quality Improvement
Trauma Informed practices are so important in Human Services Agencies, and Data and Quality Improvement is no exception. In this episode Tristan and guest Katie Miller, LMHC, Senior Coordinator of Clinical Service at CCNY, discuss the imp...
Season 1
Episode 2

Getting to Data - The Royal Requirements
The Data Doesn't Equal Outcomes kicks off with guest Kim Herrington, founder of #BuffaloBusinessIntelligence and winner of the 2021 InfoTech WNY BETA Awards for Good Neighbor category.Kim talks about how to get to data through her own c...
Season 1
Episode 1