Data Doesn't Equal Outcomes
Data + ??? = Outcomes 🤷🏽♀️ Behavioral Health and Human Services organizations have to demonstrate outcomes. They have to run programs that make people better, and prove it.And so. The mad scramble for data is well underway. But, data is just numbers. And outcomes are just results. And connecting the two is the work.If it has to do with driving better results for clients using a data driven approach, we'll be covering it here, on Data Doesn't Equal Outcomes.
Data Doesn't Equal Outcomes
Data Coaching in Erie County High Fidelity Wraparound System
Season 2
Episode 2
In a very impactful episode, guest Christa Foschio-Bebak (Director of Quality Improvement at CCNY) and Catie Gavin (First Deputy Commissioner of Erie County DSS) talk about how Erie County, NY is putting data into action in the High Fidelity Wraparound program.
Everything from Data Coaching to driving outcomes on the 3 main tenets of child welfare - this episode is a case study on how to turn data into actionable and continuous improvement.