Data Doesn't Equal Outcomes
Data + ??? = Outcomes 🤷🏽♀️ Behavioral Health and Human Services organizations have to demonstrate outcomes. They have to run programs that make people better, and prove it.And so. The mad scramble for data is well underway. But, data is just numbers. And outcomes are just results. And connecting the two is the work.If it has to do with driving better results for clients using a data driven approach, we'll be covering it here, on Data Doesn't Equal Outcomes.
Podcasting since 2021 • 19 episodes
Data Doesn't Equal Outcomes
Latest Episodes
Improving Fidelity of CANS Scoring
Evidence based rating scales are an excellent ways to monitor progress - but what happens when two clinicians are reporting vastly different scores?Dan Warner from the Data Community Roundtable joins to Data Doesn't Equal Outcomes to tal...

Outcome Based Treatment Planning with GRAND Mental Health (Part 2 w GRAND)
Instead of planning services in search of an outcome - GRAND Mental Health is determining the outcome they want, and then doing whatever it takes to get it.It's called Outcome Based Treatment planning.Listen to guests Larry Smit...
Season 2
Episode 8

GRAND Mental Health Reduces ER Visits by 93% (Part 1 with GRAND)
They gave iPads to law enforcement. Then they gave them to clients. An entrepreneurial investment turned into a major success and model CCBHC program when GRAND Mental Health put technology in everyone's hands.Listen...
Season 2
Episode 7

(Part 2) NYS 1115 Waiver Social Care Data Implications
The anticipation of the 1115 Medicaid Waiver in New York State has got us thinking about what the data needs will be around Social Care. In this first of two parts, guests Nikki Kmicinski of the WNY Integrated Care Collaborative &a...
Season 2
Episode 6

(Part 1) NYS 1115 Waiver Social Care Data Implications
The anticipation of the 1115 Medicaid Waiver in New York State has got us thinking about what the data needs will be around Social Care. In this first of two parts, guests Nikki Kmicinski of the WNY Integrated Care Collaborative &...
Season 2
Episode 5