Data Doesn't Equal Outcomes
Data + ??? = Outcomes 🤷🏽♀️ Behavioral Health and Human Services organizations have to demonstrate outcomes. They have to run programs that make people better, and prove it.And so. The mad scramble for data is well underway. But, data is just numbers. And outcomes are just results. And connecting the two is the work.If it has to do with driving better results for clients using a data driven approach, we'll be covering it here, on Data Doesn't Equal Outcomes.
Data Doesn't Equal Outcomes
People Skilled and Trauma Informed Analytical Thinkers
Season 1
Episode 5
Gilbert Eijkelenboom, author of People Skills for Analytical Thinkers and founder of MindSpeaking joins the Data Doesn't Equal Outcomes to discuss the important of the "soft skills" in delivering reports to those less experienced with data.